I am writing this Chronicle at the beginning of April (2021). During this week we have had huge temperature variations. At the beginning of the week we had “summer”. People… Continue reading The Water Meadow Chronicles, part 17
Category: Water Meadows Chronicles
The Water Meadows Chronicles, part 16
In the last couple of weeks a terrific transition has occurred; we had snow and freezing temperatures. There was a wonderful austere atmosphere and the lockdown was twofold. We had… Continue reading The Water Meadows Chronicles, part 16
The Water Meadows Chronicles, part 15
When walking Luna the other morning I bumped into Libby who is a fellow dog walker and, more importantly, a fellow trustee of the BWMG. She told me she had… Continue reading The Water Meadows Chronicles, part 15
The Water Meadows Chronicles, part 14
As we slide into autumn I walked the dog on a wonderful sunny morning (01/09/20) and enjoyed the dew on the grass and the smell of decomposing leaves. It was… Continue reading The Water Meadows Chronicles, part 14
The Water Meadows Chronicles part 13 (August 2020)
Iain Carruthers-Jones is back on the case reporting his experiences as a Bury Water Meadows Group volunteer. See previous Chronicles here. This seems a good time to restart the Chronicle.… Continue reading The Water Meadows Chronicles part 13 (August 2020)
The Water Meadows Chronicles part 12 (July 2020)
Iain Carruthers-Jones is in reflective mood. We were given a nestbox as a present last year. How nice... and we showed gratitude but we were thinking about where we might… Continue reading The Water Meadows Chronicles part 12 (July 2020)
The Water Meadows Chronicles part 11 (mid May 2020)
Iain Carruthers-Jones looks on the bright side. Earlier parts of the Chronicles can be found here. There’s been a bit of a gap since the last edition of the Chronicles.… Continue reading The Water Meadows Chronicles part 11 (mid May 2020)
The Water Meadows Chronicles part 10 (March 2020)
Iain Carruthers-Jones continues his accounts of BWMG work parties. Earlier parts of the Chronicles can be found here: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 What extraordinary times… Continue reading The Water Meadows Chronicles part 10 (March 2020)
The Water Meadows Chronicles part 9
Iain Carruthers-Jones gives his account of the BWMG work party on 19th February. Earlier parts of the Chronicles can be found here: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8… Continue reading The Water Meadows Chronicles part 9
The Water Meadow Chronicles part 8 (February 2020)
Iain Carruthers-Jones gives his latest account of BWMG work parties. Earlier parts of the Chronicles can be found here: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. The volunteer work party… Continue reading The Water Meadow Chronicles part 8 (February 2020)